Every agency has its own policies and procedures specific to their delivery of service initiatives. In addition to cost savings, having one’s own qualified in-house bicycle instructor makes perfect sense. Each segment of instruction has adaptability which can meet the needs of each facet of public safety including; basic and advanced technical riding skill development, EMS equipment issues and solutions, realistic scenario development, firearms and tactics for police and armed security, annual refresher training, to name a few.
In this comprehensive instructor level class, participants will learn how to apply the fundamentals of riding for the purpose of training and educating members of their organizations. They will learn strategies of improving community relations through safety programming and share the rewarding experience and versatility of performing job tasks via the public safety bicycle.
The purpose of this course is to qualify your police, fire, EMS, private security and military participants to:
NOTE: This 5-day course is academically and physically challenging.
Certification Requirements:
Materials Provided:
Participant Requirements:
Par-Q+ Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire forms required at registration
Class fee $995.00
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